Furino & Sons, Inc. has worked with various utility companies, municipalities, and private companies to install and upgrade utilities which include water, sewer, gas and electric. With the expanding populations the need to access water, reliable electricity and utility services are a necessity. Over the years, the methods and techniques have changed, and we have adapted to those changes. We offer the knowledge and experience necessary to perform work productively, efficiently, and safely.Furino & Sons, Inc. studies the construction plans and specifications and offers value engineering to our clients to ensure the project be completed on time, within budget and using the best design possible.The necessity for continued investment to upkeep infrastructure for the public and industry has never been greater. Furino & Sons, Inc. builds relationships, and we are committed to providing a safe and enjoyable work environment while constructing innovative and quality projects.Some examples of work include:Installation of solar fieldsSubstation upgradesMarine bulkhead restorationGas turbine power generator plantPharmaceutical campus infrastructureUtilityDemolitionAbandonments & restorationPublic utility plant hardening upgrades.